Powering Tomorrow, Delivered Today.

Company Overview

Maple Solar is a leading global manufacturer of high-quality and high-efficiency solar panels and cells. With state-of-the-art facilities in theUSA, Indonesia, and Cambodia, Maple Solar has a combined module ca-pacity of 9GW. Additionally, our product lines offer a wide range of photovoltaic modules and solar cells to meet the specific require-ments of buyers worldwide. Utilizing our three international factoriesand seven fully automated production lines, Maple Solar is well-equippedto fulfill any demand in the photovoltaic module market.

Innovation and Progress

Innovation is the core driving force of our company. We believe in continuously pushing the boundaries of technology and knowledge to create new solutions and improve existing ones. Progress is not just about growth in numbers, but also about evolving as a team and as individuals, striving for excellence in everything we do.


No Antidumping or Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD) —— Multi-national factory supply chain.

Tier 1 Modules Brand

Authorized manufacturer of a BNEF Tier 1 module thoughtful design.


Advanced Manufacturing

Fully automatic production lines.


Highly Skilled Team

Technicians and management team from tier 1 company.


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